****We have extended the deadline to apply to Fall 2020, or Winter 2021 UCDC Program****
ONLINE APPLICATION PROCESS (https://sis.ucdc.edu)
- Create an account at https://sis.ucdc.edu using your campus email address (@ucsc.edu). You will receive a confirmation email. The link provided in your confirmation email should simultaneously allow you to verify your identity, and begin the official application.
- Fill out all required information in the following application tabs: BASIC INFORMATION, ACADEMIC INFORMATION, STATISTICAL, and ADDRESS. After clicking “save progress” at the bottom of the page, click on the next red tab at the top of the page to advance to the next category.
- Under the ACADEMIC INFORMATION tab, upload your resume, statement of purpose, and unofficial transcripts (transcripts obtained through your my.ucsc.edu portal). Your statement of purpose will serve as an example of your writing; no additional writing sample is required.
Your RESUME should be limited to one to two pages.
Your STATEMENT OF PURPOSE should be no more than two pages. It should: 1) Describe the type of agency or organization with which you hope to intern in Washington, and the type of experience you hope to gain. 2) Explain how studying in Washington would enable you to further your academic, professional and/or others goals and enhance your undergraduate experience. 3) Indicate your plans after graduation from UCSC. 4) Include anything else that might be relevant in reviewing your application.
4. You are required to submit TWO LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION.
Letters should be from faculty if possible (rather than TAs or employers). Transfer students may submit letters from faculty at previous institutions. The letters will be confidential. They should be addressed to “Faculty Selection Committee, UCDC,” written on department letterhead, signed, and emailed directly by the recommender to UCDC Coordinator, Ashley Bayman, ucdc@ucsc.edu.
Letter writers should be asked to:
- Describe how your academic performance indicates your readiness for the UCDC program, and how UCDC fits into your larger academic plan and program.
- Describe your skills, strengths, and emotional maturity, and indicate how you might fare in a demanding internship program away from home.
Remind letter writers that your letters will be used at two stages: 1) as part of the application process for admission to the program, and 2) as part of your application to various internship sites once you are accepted to UCDC.
Letters are due by the application deadline.
DEADLINE: ****We have extended the deadline****