Declaring the Politics Major

Winter Quarter Declaration Deadline: Feb 7, 2025

If this is your first time declaring...

  1. Complete two introductory Politics courses* (chosen from Politics 1-70) with a grade of C or better;
  2. Fill and complete the Academic Plan Form (APF) and share it with the Politics Advisor at, with the message "Declaring POLI major".
    1. For help with completing the academic planning form, connect with a peer advisor by emailing or by scheduling an appointment directly. You can also sign up to attend a declaration of major workshop. 
  3. Submit a Petition to Declare Form through your MyUCSC portal by the deadline (see below)


If this will be your second major/ minor... 

  1. Complete two introductory Politics courses* (chosen from Politics 1-70) with a grade of C or better;
  2. Obtain an updated-signed academic planning form from your current major advisor & share it with the Politics Advisor at with the message "Declaring POLI Major"  
    1. Students can also schedule to meet with the POLI Advisor after obtaining an updated academic plan to add POLI courses to the plan together
  3. Submit a Petition to Declare Form through your MyUCSC portal by the deadline 



*A junior transfer student may satisfy the requirement for one of the two introductory courses by completing a course in political science department with a grade of "C" or better. The course from another institution may be considered for substitution only if it appears on the UCSC Transfer Credit Summary.  


See Also