Graduate Student Directory

Tamara Ortega-Uribe

Honors, Awards and Grants

  • SYLFF Research Grant, 2023.
  • APSA Centennial Research Grant, 2023.
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology - EASA - European Association of Social Anthropologists/Association Européenne des Anthropologues Sociaux - Geneva Graduate Institute, Writing Workshop on Green Extractivism and Global Commodity Chains. Norway, September 2023.
  • Tinker Foundation Field Research Grant, 2021.
  • Fulbright BIO, 2017.
  • University of Chile. Grants for research trip. Full scholarship for the Doctoral course in Social Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina; Social-historical Studies: Power and The State, September-October 2014.
  • University of Chile. Program The Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund (SYLFF). Foundation Tokio. Half Scholarship for MA in History. April-September 2014.
  • Autonomous University of Mexico. Inter American Institute for Global Change Research. Full scholarship for participating in intensive course Socio-Ecological Systems Management to Support Decision Making. February-March 2014.
  • Competition of Thesis Students, Chamber of Deputies of Chile. Grant to develop thesis, BA in Sociology (2007).

Selected Publications


Ortega, T. (2024). On the contradictions of the New Authoritarianisms. Neoliberal Demos in the Chilean Right-Wing Neopopulism. In Levy, Ch., Larrabure, M. and Furukawa Marques, D. (Ed.) New Democratic Iniviatives in Authoritarian Twenty-First Century Latin America. Rowman & Littlefield. 

·      Ortega, T. (2022) Time and Territorial Variations of State Response and Local Action in Three Socio-Environmental Conflicts Over Mining in Chile. In: McCall M.K., Boni Noguez A., Napoletano B., Rico-Rodríguez T. (eds) Territorialising Space in Latin America. The Latin American Studies Book Series. Springer, Cham.

·       Ortega, T. (Ed.) (2019). Feminismo popular y territorios en resistencia: La lucha de las Mujeres en Zona de Sacrificio en Resistencia, Quintero-Puchuncaví. Fundación Heinrich Boll Stiftung, Fundación Emerge, Santiago.


·       Ortega, T., Cuevas, C. (2018). Leftist implications and balance of power in Frente Amplio. Ideological time (without ideologisms). Wild Politics Journal, Nº 2, January, pp. 5-9.


·       Ortega, T., Cáceres, F. y M. López (2017). Populism as a pop concept: reflections to overcome conceptual discretion and dispute common sense. Trama Journal, Nº 2, September, pp. 12-17.


·       Ortega, T. et al. (2014). Transdisciplinary studies in socio-ecosystems: Theoretical considerations and their application in Latin American contexts. Journal Environment Research, Science and Public Policy. México. Vol. 6, Nº 2, pp. 109-122.


·       Ortega, T. (2014). Criminalization and concentration of urban poverty in segregated neighborhoods. Symptoms of the ghettoization of La Pintana. Santiago of Chile. EURE Journal, N°40 (120), 241-263


·       Aburto, A., & Ortega, T. (2013). Struggling of strata or class struggle? Theoretical reflection and a look at Chile mobilized. Journal Actuel Marx Interventions, N° 15. LOM Editions, Santiago.


·       Ortega T. & Marín, T. (2011). Transparency in the Municipal Management in Neighborhoods: A Citizen’s perspective. Chilean Institute of Municipal Studies. Iberoamerican Journal of Municipal Studies. Year II, Nª3. Santiago.


·       Ortega, T., López M. & Arredondo, F. (2008). Citizen Safety and Communitary Participation in exclusion contexts: La Pintana’s Case. Fifth Congress of Violence and Delinquency Research. Edited by: Institute of Sociology, Pontifical University Catholic of Chile – Foundation Citizen Peace, Santiago.

Selected Presentations


·    Historical Materialism Conference 2023. Presentation “The Prefigurative Politics of Capital, ideological battles for hegemony in the green conjuncture”. Twentieth Annual Historical Materialism Conference, SOAS, London, November 2023.

·       Seminar and Book Project. “When the light gets in on the darkest days: new democratic initiatives in authoritarian 21st century Latin America.” Presentation “Building prefigurative demos for post-liberal democracies? Ideological battles and the Chilean right-wing neopopulism”. September 2023, Concordia University in Montreal, Canada.

·      LASA 2023. "The Dominga mining project and the critical cultural political economy: the new extractivist rationalities of dispossession and the alternatives raised by community resistance". Panel “Expanding a Critical Cultural Political Economy Perspective to Better Understand Socio-Ecological Conflicts and Contemporary Struggle for Rights in the Americas. LASA Congress, Vancouver, Canada, May 2023.

·       RELAJU 2022 “El Derecho a la Consulta Ciudadana en el Chile Contemporáneo: Un Campo de Disputa en la Defensa Territorial Frente al Extractivismo”. XI Congreso Red Latinoamericana de Antropología Jurídica. Morelia México, October, 2022.

·    CLACSO 2022 “Batallas ideológicas del anti-extractivismo y nuevos dilemas de las izquierdas. Entre la potencia y ambigüedad de los escenarios post-extractivistas”. 9ª  Conferencia  Latinoamericana  y  Caribeña  de  Ciencias  Sociales  Tramas  de  las  desigualdades  en  América  Latina  y  el  Caribe  Saberes,  luchas  y  transformaciones. Ciudad de México, Junio  2022.

·      LASA 2022. “Ideological battles of anti-extractivism. The “potencia” of material-discursive relationships for post-neoliberal scenarios”. Virtual LASA Congress. May 2022.

-      LASA 2021. “Crisis global, desigualdades y centralidad de la vida”. Virtual Congress. Conference “Variaciones temporales y territoriales en tres conflictos socioambientales emblemáticos por producción minera en Chile. Respuesta estatal y resistencias al despojo”. May 2021.

·       LASA 2019. “Nuestra América: Justice and Inclusion”. Boston, USA. Conference “Socio-historical conditions of environmental institutions in the motor of the Chilean economy. Evolution from the developmental state to the neoliberal democratic transition”. May 2019.

·      First World Forum of Critical Thinking. Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO). Conference “Prefigure new routes of the state-society relationship based on action of Chilean Frente Amplio”. November 2018.

·       II Latin American Congress of Political Ecology, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. Catholic University of the North – Institute of Archeology and Anthropology San Pedro de Atacama – Center for Intercultural and Indigenous Studies (CIIR) – University of Chile: “Nature and the State at the service of capital. Debates and environmental policies in copper mining in the second half of the 20th century”. November 2016.

·       IX Chilean Congress of Sociology (Pre-ALAS). Catholic University of Maule – Sociology Network of Chilean Universities: “Defeat of old concepts and militancy. After the Parties, do the anti-state multiplicity live?”. October 2016.

·       XXI Conference on the History of Chile. (In) Security, State and Social Transformations. University of Bio-Bio: “Business interests in the adoption of environmental policies in copper mining in Chile. From state acquiescence to hybridization. 1965-1997” and “Evolution of the Environmental Policies of copper mining in Chile. The link between State, Dependence and Development, 1965-1997”. November 2015.

·       VIII Chilean Congress of Sociology 2014 and Pre-Alas Meeting 2015. FLACSO and Sociology Network of Chilean Universities: "On a proposal of disciplinary hybridization: notes from a historical sociology of the State and the environmental policies of the second half of the 20th century". October 2014.