Graduate Student Directory

Mark Howard
  • Title
    • Ph.D. Candidate
  • Division Social Sciences Division, Humanities Division
  • Department
    • Politics Department
    • History of Consciousness Department
  • Phone
    831-459-4450 (Message)
  • Email
  • Website
  • Office Location
    • Merrill College Academic Building, 137
  • Office Hours By appointment
  • Mail Stop Merrill/Crown Faculty Services

Summary of Expertise

Critical Political Economy, Critical Finance Studies, Science Technology and Innovation, Social Theory & Philosophy, International Relations & Global Politics

Research Interests

Venture Capital, Finance, Innovation, Worlding, Justice, Critical Theory

Biography, Education and Training


M.A., Politics,

University of California Santa Cruz, California, USA, 2022.


M.Sc., International Relations Theory (with Distinction),

London School of Economics and Political Science, London, United Kingdom, 2016

Dissertation Title: International Security Dialectics: Contradiction and Paradox in an Era of Globalized Risk and Populist Nationalism


B.A., Philosophy,

Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 2013.



Honors, Awards and Grants

  • 2023 Humanizing Technology Summer 2023 Mentors Fellowship, The Humanities Institute (UCSC), Summer 2023 
  • 2022 Research Grant, Institutional Failure as Global Leadership: A Case-Based Study of the Present, University of California Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI), 2022-2023
  • Humanizing Technology Teaching Fellowship, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), The Humanities Institute (UCSC), 2022-2023 

Selected Publications

Refereed Journal Articles

  • “The Rapacious Ambivalence of VC Investment: Venture Capital, Value Capture, and the Valorization of Crisis.” Finance and Society. 2024: https://doi:10.1017/fas.2024.1
  • “The Necropolice-Economy: Mapping Biopolitical Priorities and Human Expendability in the Time of COVID-19”, Societies 12(2). 2022:
  • “The Never-End of History: Finding Meaning in the World Historical Moment”, Caustic Frolic 4(1). Fall 2020: New York.

Book Chapters

  • “Endless Frontiers: Venture Capital and the Accumulation of Market Space” The Handbook on Financialization and Space. Edward Elgar Publishing. (forthcoming, 2025)

Book Reviews

  • “Book Review: Rentier Capitalism: Who Owns the Economy, and Who Pays for It?” Review of Radical Economics, 55(4). 2023: 728-732.
  • “Book Review: Mission Economy: A Moonshot Guide to Changing Capitalism.” Review of Radical Economics, 0(0). 2024:

Manuscripts in Submission

  • “Alternative Archives: Researching Politics with Chunks of Reality.” Politics. 2023 (article, in peer-review)
  • “Is diplomacy an Option? Finance Theory and Brexit”. International Theory. 2021 (article, reject and resubmit)

Teaching Interests

Instructor/Lecturer/Teaching Fellow, University of California Santa Cruz

  • Ethics and Technology (Spring 2023) (Spring 2024)
  • Global Capitalism: A History of the Present (Fall 2022)
  • Ethical and Societal Implications of Emerging Technologies (Fall 2021) US and the World Economy (Summer 2021)
  • International Political Economy (Summer 2020)


Teaching Assistant, University of California Santa Cruz

  • Constitutional Law (Winter 2024)
  • The Politics of East Asia (Winter 2022)
  • Modern Political Thought (Spring 2020, Winter 2021) US and the World Economy (Spring 2019, Fall 2020) Security, Conflict, Violence, War (Winter 2020) Ancient Political Thought (Winter 2019, Fall 2019) Keywords: Political Concepts (Fall 2018)