Graduate Student Directory

Henry Lawrence McLaughlin
  • Title
    • Ph.D. Candidate
  • Division Social Sciences Division
  • Department
    • Politics Department
  • Email
  • Office Location
    • Merrill College Academic Building, 133
  • Mail Stop Merrill/Crown Faculty Services

Research Interests

I study international political economy, urbanization, and political ecology. As an undergraduate, I studied history with an emphasis on the Middle East. At UC Santa Cruz, I am the editor of our graduate Keywords in Political Economy project.

Biography, Education and Training

The New School – MA in Politics

Boston University – BA in History



Teaching Interests

  • International Political Economy
  • Global Politics/IR
  • Global Urban Politics
  • Urban Theory


Teaching Experience

Instructor of Record:

  • Global Health Politics (Summer 2024)


  • European Politics (Fall 2023)
  • International Political Economy (Winter 2023)  
  • Middle East Politics (Fall 2022, Winter 2024)
  • Global Politics (Spring 2022, Spring 2024)
  • Theories of International Relations and World Politics (Winter 2022)
  • Governing the Golden State (Fall 2021)
  • Ancient Political Thought (Fall 2020)