Politics Faculty

Sikina A Jinnah
  • Title
    • Professor of Environmental Studies
    • Affiliated Graduate Faculty of Politics
  • Division Social Sciences Division
  • Department
    • Environmental Studies Department
  • Affiliations Politics Department
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Website
  • Office Location
    • Interdisciplinary Sciences Building, email preferred
  • Mail Stop Environmental Studies
  • Mailing Address
    • Environmental Studies Department
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise Climate Change, International and Global Affairs, Environmental Justice, Endangered Species
  • Courses ENVS 144/Politics 179 -Global Climate Politics, ENVS 153/ Politics 162 - Globalization and the Environment, ENVS 152/ Politics 170 - Global Environmental Politics, PhD Seminar - Special Topics in Global Environmental Politic Agency Beyond the State

Summary of Expertise

Climate Change, Climate (Geo)Engineering, Global Governance, International Relations, Environmental Justice, Biodiversity Conservation, Trade-Environment Politics

Research Interests

Professor Jinnah's research focuses on the shifting locations of power and influence in global environmental governance, and in particular the role of transnational actors in environmental decision-making. Her most recent projects examine how key norms in global climate politics shape power relations, the role of U.S. preferential trade agreements in shaping environmental policy in trading partner nations, and the politics of climate engineering governance.

Biography, Education and Training

Dr. Sikina Jinnah is a Professor of Environmental Studies and Associate Director of the Center for Reimagining Leadership at UC Santa Cruz. Her research focuses on global environmental governance in the areas of climate change, climate engineering, and the nexus between international trade and environmental politics. She is the author or editor of 6 books and over 50 articles and chapters. Her first book Post-treaty Politics (MIT Press) received the 2016 Harold and Margaret Sprout Award for best book in international environmental affairs from the International Studies Association, and her newest book “Teaching Environmental Justice: Practices to Engage Students and Build Community is forthcoming in fall 2023. She is an Andrew Carnegie Fellow, edits the journal Environmental Politics, and serves on the U.S. National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine Committee on Atmospheric Methane Removal. Dr. Jinnah’s PhD is from UC Berkeley in Environmental Science, Policy and Management.

Honors, Awards and Grants

  • 2017-2020 Andrew Carngie Fellow
  • 2016 Harold and Margaret Sprout Award for best book in international environmental affairs (for Post-treaty Politics), International Studies Association 
  • 2014 William Cromwell Award for Outstanding Teaching, American University School of International Service 
  • Additional awards and honors are listed here: http://www.sikinajinnah.com/awards--honors.html

Selected Publications


Jinnah, Sikina and Jean-Frédéric Morin. (2020) “Greening through Trade: How American Trade Policy has Impacted Environmental Protection Abroad” MIT Press.

 Morin, Jean-Frédéric, Amandine Orsini, and Sikina Jinnah. (2020) “Global Environmental Politics: Understanding the Governance of the Earth.”  Oxford University Press.

 Nicholson, Simon and Sikina Jinnah (eds.) 2016. New Earth Politics: Essays from the Anthropocene. MIT Press.

             - Reviewed in Global Environmental Politics (2016), Environment, Development, and Sustainability (2016), Review of Policy Research (2016)

 Jinnah, Sikina. 2014. Post-treaty Politics: Secretariat Influence in Global Environmental Governance. MIT Press.

- Winner of the 2016 Harold and Margaret Sprout Award for best book in the field of international environmental affairs from the International Studies Association

- Reviewed in The Review of International Organizations (2015), Cambridge Review of International Affairs (2015), Global Environmental Politics (2016), International Studies Review (2016), Transnational Environmental Law (2017)



Jinnah, Sikina, Simon Nicholson and David Morrow. (2021)Splitting Geoengineering Governance: How Problem Structure Shapes Institutional Design Global Policy. 12(S1): 8-19

Hayes, Graeme, Sikina Jinnah, Prakash Kashwan, David Koniski, Sheilyn MacGregor, John M. Meyer, Anthony Zito. (2021) “Trajectories in Environmental Politics” Environmental Politics. 30(1): 4-16

Gupta, Aarti, Ina Moller, Frank Biermann, Sikina Jinnah, Prakash Kashwan, Vikrom Mathur, David Morrow and Simon Nicholson. (2020). “Anticipatory Governance of Solar Geoengineering: Conflicting visions of the future and their links to governance proposals.”  Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability.45: 10-19.

Jinnah, Sikina and Simon Nicholson. (2019). “Governing Solar Radiation Management: How, Why, and for Whom?” Environmental Politics. 28(3): 385-396

Jinnah, Sikina, Simon Nicholson and Jane Flegal. (2019) “Toward Legitimate Governance of Solar Geoengineering Research: A Role of Sub-State Actors.” Ethics, Policy and Environment. 21(3). DOI: 10.1080/21550085.2018.1562526

Jinnah, Sikina. (2018) “Why Govern Climate Engineering? A Preliminary Framework for Demand-Based Governance. International Studies Review. 20(2):272-282.

Nicholson, Simon, Sikina Jinnah, and Alexander Gillespie. (2018) “Solar Radiation Management: A Proposal for Immediate Polycentric Governance” Climate Policy. 18(3):322-334.

Morin, Jean-Frédéric and Jinnah, Sikina. (2018) “The Untapped Potential of Preferential Trade Agreements for Climate Governance” Environmental Politics. 27(3): 541-565.

Jinnah, Sikina and Douglas Bushey. (2017) “Bringing Politics into SAI.”  Journal of Ethics in International Affairs. 31(4):1-5.

Jinnah, Sikina. (2017) “Makers, Takers, Shakers, Shapers: Emerging Economies and Normative Engagement in Climate Governance” Global Governance. 23(2):285-306.

Jinnah, Sikina and Abby Lindsay* (2016). “Diffusion through Issue Linkage: Environmental Norms in U.S. Trade Agreements” Global Environmental Politics 16(3):41-61.

Jinnah, Sikina and Abby Lindsay* (2015). “Secretariat Influence on Trade-Environment Politics: NAFTA’s Commission on Environmental Cooperation” Review of Policy Research. 32(1): 124-145.

Jinnah, Sikina and Elisa Morgera. (2013) “Environmental Provisions in US and EU Trade Agreements: A Comparative Analysis” Review of European Community and International Environmental Law. 22(3): 224-339.

Jinnah, Sikina. (2011) “Climate Change Bandwagoning: The Impacts of Strategic Linkages on Regime Design, Maintenance, and Death” Global Environmental Politics. 11(3):1-9.

Jinnah, Sikina. (2011) “Marketing Linkages: Secretariat Governance of the Climate-Biodiversity Interface” Global Environmental Politics. 11(3): 23-43.

Jinnah, Sikina. (2011) “Strategic Linkages: The Evolving Role of Trade Agreements in Global Environmental Governance” Journal of Environment and Development. 20(2): 191-215.

Jinnah, Sikina and Julia Kennedy*. (2011) “A New Era of Trade-Environment Politics: Learning from US Leadership and its Consequences Abroad” Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations. XII(1):95-109.

Bushey, Douglas and Sikina Jinnah. (2010) “Evolving Responsibility? The Principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibility in the UNFCCC," Berkeley Journal of International Law Publicist 28(6):1-10.

Jinnah, Sikina. (2010) “Overlap Management in the World Trade Organization: Secretariat Influence on Trade-Environment Politics,” Global      Environmental Politics. 11(2): 54-79.

Jinnah, Sikina, Douglas Bushey, Miquel Muñoz, and Kati Kulovesi. (2009) “Tripping Points: Barriers and Bargaining Chips on the Road to Copenhagen,” Environmental Research Letters. (4): 1-6.

Jinnah, Sikina and Stefan Jungcurt. (2009) “Could Access Requirements Stifle Your Research?”  Science. 323(5913): 644-645. 

Jinnah, Sikina. (2003) “Emissions Trading Under the Kyoto Protocol: NAFTA and WTO Concerns,” Georgetown International Environmental Law Review. 15(1): 709-761.

Jinnah, Sikina. (1999) “Distribution and Abundance of Two Gastropods in Taro Plantations in Moorea, French Polynesia,” Berkeley Scientific. 3 (2):116-120.

Morin, Jean-Frédéric and Jinnah, Sikina. (under review) “Can Trade Agreements Address Climate Change?” in Cool Heads in a Warming World. Daniel Esty and Sue Biniaz (eds.) New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

Dominique DeWit*, Steffen Bauer, Abby Lindsay*, Helena Veum* and Jinnah, Sikina. (under review) “International Bureaucracies.” in Transforming Institutional Architectures in the Anthropocene. Frank Biermann and Rak Kim (eds.) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Jinnah, Sikina. (2019) “Building a Governance Foundation for Solar Geoengineering Deployment.” in Governance of Solar Geoengineering Deployment. Robert Stowe and Robert Stavins (eds.). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Project on Climate Agreements.

Jinnah, Sikina and Abby Lindsay*‡ (2017). “Navigating Overlap Management Under NAFTA: The Role of the Secretariat” in Towards Continental Environmental Policy? North American Transnational Networks and Governance Peter Stoett and Owen Temby (eds.) New York, NY: SUNY Press. 32-50 

Jinnah, Sikina. ‡ (2016) “Climate” in Why Govern: Rethinking Demand and Progress in Global Governance. Amitav Acharya (ed.) Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Nicholson, Simon and Sikina Jinnah. ‡ (2016) “Living on a New Earth” in New Earth Politics, Simon Nicholson and Sikina Jinnah (eds.) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 1-16.

Jinnah, Sikina and Goueun Lee.*(2014) “Diplomacy and Environmental Policy: Endangered Species and Others at Risk (1950s-present)” in The Guide to U.S. Environmental Policy, Sally Fairfax and Ed Russell (eds.) Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press

Jinnah, Sikina. (2013) “Overlap Management in the World Trade Organization: Secretariat Influence on Trade-Environment Politics” in Institutional Aspects of International Trade Law, Tomer Broude and Michelle Ratton Sanchez Badin (eds.) London, UK: Ashgate.

Jinnah, Sikina. (2012) “Trade-Environment Politics: The Emerging Role of Regional Trade Agreements” In Handbook of Global Environmental Politics, Peter Dauvergne (ed.) Cheltenham, UK and Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing. 386-402

Jinnah, Sikina. ‡  (2012) “Singing the Unsung: The Key Role of Secretariats in Global Environmental Politics” In The Roads from Rio: Lessons Learned from Twenty Years of Multilateral Environmental Negotiations, Pamela Chasek and Lynn Wagner (eds.) London: Routledge Press.

Jinnah, Sikina and Alexandra Conliffe. ‡  (2012) “Climate Change Bandwagoning: Impacts of Climate Change on Global Environmental Governance” In The Roads from Rio: Lessons Learned from Twenty Years of Multilateral Environmental Negotiations , Pamela Chasek and Lynn Wagner (eds.) London: Routledge Press.

Wright, Heather and Sikina Jinnah. (2010) “Effectiveness, Efficiency and Equity in REDD Implementation: What Can We Learn from Past Experience?” In Advances in Environmental Research Volume 7. Justin A. Daniels (Ed.), 1-7. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Jinnah, Sikina. (2010) “The World Trade Organization,” In Green Politics, Paul Robbins, Dustin Mulvaney, and J. Geoffrey Golson (eds.), 441-444. Thousand Oaks: Sage Reference.

Jinnah, Sikina. (2009) “The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species,” In The Encyclopedia of Global Warming, Steven I. Dutch (Ed.), 281-283. Pasadena: Salem Press.

Jinnah, Sikina. (2009) “The Convention on Biological Diversity,” In The Encyclopedia of Global Warming, Steven I. Dutch (Ed.), 279-281. Pasadena: Salem Press. 


Policy Reports and Other Publications

Chhetri, Netra, Dan Chong, Ken Conca, Alexander Gillespie, Richard Falk, Aarti Gupta, Sikina Jinnah, Prakash Kashwan, Myanna Lahsen, Andrew Light, Catriona McKinnon, Leslie Paul Thiele, Walter Valdivia, and Paul Wapner. 2018. Governing Solar Radiation Management. Washington, DC: Forum for Climate Engineering Assessment, American University.

Earth System Governance Project. 2018. Earth System Governance. Science and Implementation Plan of the Earth System Governance Project. Utrecht, the Netherlands. (Contributing Author)

Contributing or lead (*) author to 17 United Nations Environment Program conference reports for the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) (2007-2010). Full list available upon request.



Teaching Interests

Dr. Jinnah teaches courses on global climate change politics, international environmental politics, and global governance.